
The Cavendish School is committed to providing an internationally minded and aspirational careers programme for all pupils from the start of their learning journey in Year 3 onwards.

Every young persons needs high-quality careers guidance to make informed decisions about their future. The Gatsby Benchmarks are the eight standards that a school should provide in order to ensure that this career guidance is happening. We will assess the impact of our careers programme on our pupils by using the COMPASS for Special schools tool to ensure that we are meeting the requirements of the 8 Gatsby Benchmarks for effective Careers Education.

We focus on a range of options and opportunities in planning for life beyond school and acknowledge that pupils will follow their own individual pathway into education, training or employment. Inspiring every pupil through more real-life contacts with the world of work can help them understand where different choices can take them in the future.

Schools have a duty to provide careers education and guidance to year 8-14 pupils. Careers curriculum information, Advice along with guidance plans can be found on our Enabling-the-self curriculum page.

Detailed information on our calendar of events and employee interactions can be found below with our provider access statement.

If you are an employer who would like to partner with us, please contact us at

Our current careers leader is Rachel Dunn, contact can be made through or ringing our main telephone line.